Welcome to YOURBLOGNAME, here you will find this, this and this. I also do this, this and this so feel free to kiss me. Do not forget about blah blah and please do it it well and right. Yes, replace this box with a warm welcome message to your readers, thank you.
- your name.
# Siapa Mangsa ?
Assalamualaikum hye.
15 January 2013
Blog ini ditubuhkan untuk melakukan ambush tanpa diketahui.Siapa mangsa ?
Tunggu dan lihat !
ex-O ex-O
[ Rahsia Anaa ]
✔ About the blog Here comes trouble!
Welcome to YOURBLOGNAME, here you will fidn everything you need and want. Manarie li que vaqeriao |at vver eos et accusam dignissum qui blandit est praesent luptatum delenit aigue excepteur sint occae. et harumd dereud facilis est er expedit distinct.t harumd dereud facilis est er expedit distinct. Excepteur sint occae. et harumd dereud facilis est er expedit distinct.t harumd dereud facilis est er expedit distinct. Post here things and infos about your blog.
♤ About the typist Let me introduce myself!

Hello, here is YOURNAME at your service. I'm actually 6teen and I live in w0nderland with my unicorns. Manarie li que vaqeriao |at vver eos et accusam dignissum qui blandit est praesent luptatum delenit aigue excepteur sint occae. et harumd dereud facilis est er expedit distinct.t harumd dereud facilis est er expedit distinct. at vver eos et accusam dignissum qui blandit est praesent luptatum delenit aigue excepteur sint occae. et harumd dereud facilis est er expedit distinct.t harumd dereud facilis est er expedit distinct. Write something interesting about you.
✙ Credits you really are something else!
Feel free to delete this area if you want, this is just a way you can use to credit all the right persons on your blog without taking much space. You can't remove the sidebar credits tho.
Sunwoo (SUN) Layout & colors
Your name Edition & posts
Weheartit Images
Imgur Images host
Blogger Blog host
✖ F.A.Q I almost asked her what her new makeup was.
do you follow back?
i do if i like your blog. please leave a link if you want me to check.
how old are you?
i'm 6teen right now.
how do you make skins?
i have base codes made by me a time ago. i put it in a sideblog adn go customizing.
how do you make graphics/icons?
i use photoshop cs6 and download textures here, here and here for edits, and download videos with vdownloader.
how can i call you?
my nickname is soondie but people used to call me sundi. you must call me sun thogh: i'm too shine.
you only like asian things?
no, i have a open mind and i like meeting new cultures. i love russian and french stuff/culture.
sicne when are you kpopper?
i met kpop with snsd's gee in early 2012 and i listened to 4minute, t ara, 2ne1 and miss a for a long time until a met f(x) when they was going to comeback with danger. you can say i'm kpopper sicne early 2011 though.
why don't you like exo/ifinite/b.a.p/b2st?
♚ Fandoms & Likes Let me put it down another way.
SNSD hyoyeon, sooyoung, taeyeon, jessica, sunny, yoona, yuri, tiffany, seohyun
B1A4 baro, sandeul, cnu, jinyoung, gonchan
F(X) amber, sulli, victoria, luna, krystal
4MINUTE jiyoon, jihyun, gayoon, hyuna, sohyun
BLOCK B zico, kyung, taeil, p.o, jaehyo, b bomb, u kwon
❝ Tagboard When are you gonna come save me?
Tagboard warning and rules here. Feel free to delete this box tho. Occae et harumb bet theap. est praesent luptatum. dignissum qui blandit est praesent luptatum delenit aigue excepteur sint occae. et harumd dereud facilis est er expedit distinct. et harumd dereud facilis est er expedit distinct. yoii rockem sockem mow-em yown. manarie li que vaqeriao.occae et harumb bet theap. est praesent luptatum.
/// Put your CBOX codes right here. MAX WIDTH 540-550PX ///
☆ SKINS & PAGES I got a boy handsome boy, who took all my heart
☆ TUTORIALS I got a boy, a handsome one! I got a boy, a kind one!
☆ FREEBIES & EXTRAS I got a boy awesome boy, I must have really fallen for him